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KIẾN NGHỊ CỦA DÒNG MẾN THÁNH GIÁ GỞI NGUYỄN THIỆN NHÂN Ngày 22 tháng 5 vừa qua, nữ tu Nguyễn Thị Ngoan, Tổng Phụ trách Dòng Mến Thánh Giá Th...


Ngày 22 tháng 5 vừa qua, nữ tu Nguyễn Thị Ngoan, Tổng Phụ trách Dòng Mến Thánh Giá Thủ Thiêm, đại diện cho 610 nữ tu, đã kiến nghị lên Bí thư Thành Ủy, ông Nguyễn Thiện Nhân, để khẳng định lập trường.
1. Không đồng ý di dời và Nhà dòng luôn ổn định tại chỗ.
2. Yêu cầu Nhà Nước phải bồi thường thỏa đáng cho 3 trường học đã giao cho Nhà Nước sử dụng cho mục tiêu giáo dục từ năm 1975 (với tổng diện tích gần 4.000 thước vuông)
Năm xưa, Nhà Dòng đã bàn giao các trường học này cho Nhà Nước để sử dụng cho mục tiêu giáo dục. Ngày nay, nếu Nhà Nước không làm mục tiêu giáo dục nữa, thì phải giao trả lại cho Nhà Dòng để tiếp tục giáo dục trẻ em trong khu đô thị mới. Không có lý do gì lại chiếm đoạt 4.000 thước vuông đất này để bán lại cho các đại gia đầu tư địa ốc.

Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Independence – Freedom – Happiness
by The Thu Thiem Congregation of the Lovers of the Holy Cross
Secretary of Communist Party of Vietnam of Ho Chi Minh City
I, Sister Nguyen thi Ngoan, Chief Executive Officer of the Thu Thiem Congregation of the Lovers of the Holy Cross, represent 610 members, hereby submit our request for your attention to the issues in relation to the property of the Thu Thiem Congregation of the Lovers of the Holy Cross at Thu Thiem, District 2, HCM City.
Since the beginning of May 2018, we have read the following news:
"Leaders of the People's Committees of HCM City have instructed relevant authorities to prepare plans to remove all religious facilities (including Thu Thiem church and buildings of the Congregation) out of the existing location, to take over land of the Thu Thiem primary school, and to transfer those land to the developers for building road and river park under the construction schedule." (Source: Mai Hoa, Auction 9 blocks of land at Thu Thiem New Urban Area, Tuoi Tre Online, 01/05/2018 10:52)
"For the remaining buildings owned by religious bodies, all levels of government of HCM City and District 2 continued to pursuit the takeover of land under the Master Plan for the development of the Thu Thiem New Urban Area" (Source: Kieu Phong, Secretary of Communist Party of Vietnam of Ho Chi Minh City, Nguyen Thien Nhan, visit religious group at Thu Thiem, SGGP Sunday 13/05/2017 00:27).
We are extremely concerned about the above news on the media. Again, we submit this petition to declare our stance:
1. We do not agree to move. The Congregation will always stay at the same place, on our sacred land where the Founding Sisters built the first landmark of the Congregation with the name "Thu Thiem Lovers of the Holy Cross".
2. We ask the Government to compensate adequately for the land value (approximately 4,000sqm) of the 3 schools that the Congregation has transferred to the Government since 1975 to be used only for education purposes.
With faith in Christianity, our Congregation has been living and developing the Thu Thiem land since 1840 as God's predestination. We are sanctified to serve God and all human beings in our society today. However, we are humble women who need God's Grace and all the help, support and protection from everyone.
We believe the Socialist Vietnamese Government, "a Government devoted to our people and our nation", to achieve the objectives of "prosperous people, strong nation, democratic society, fairness and civilisation" must always "protect and maintain historical and cultural heritage and built and natural environment" (Order No. 14-LCT/HDNN7 on 04/04/1984). We hope you will be the leaders who have power, wisdom, justice and integrity to care for the express wishes of the people, and to fulfil our legitimate requests. Once our requests are met, we will be able to resume normal life to serve our people and society more efficiently and effectively.
The protection of cultural heritage and the spiritual needs of residents in the new urban area of Thu Thiem is the same as "Mr Nguyen Thien Nhan's express concern about the future of the new Thu Thiem where more Christian, Buddhists and many other religions' followers would be settled in the area" (Source: Kieu Phong, SGGP Sunday 13/05/2018 00:27).
Therefore, based on the legal documents of the Government in relation to The Master Plan for the development of the Thu Thiem New Urban Area (ratified before 2005), the viewpoint of our Church and specialists in urban development and cultural protection, we hereby establish that our rights to keep our 5ha land on a total 657ha proposed for the development of the new Thu Thiem is feasible and necessary.
Attached please find:
· Background of Thu Thiem Congregation of the Lovers of the Holy Cross (pages 1-8)
· Legal documents in relation to the development of the Thu Thiem New Urban Area and expert advice (pages 9-12)
· Petition to the Religion Commission TP.HCM dated 22/05/2014 (pages 13-15)
· Reports of 3 Schools from 2011 to 2018 (pages 16-22)
· Petition to UBND TP.HCM dated 19/10/2015 (pages 23-25)
· Petition about 3 Schools sent to UBND District 2 dated 22/01/2018 (page 26)
May we express our gratitude while we look forward to receiving your reply and resolution.
Thu Thiem 22 May 2018
Yours sincerely,
Sister Nguyen thi Ngoan
Chief Executive Officer

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